
Well-thought-out digital transformation

Welcome to a resale-free, bias-free, neutral environment for open discussion

You know that technologies can help you but…

  • You do not know where to start.
  • Your team has important needs, but they fear change!
  • You need a neutral opinion.
  • You are already overwhelmed and want to reduce the risks of such an initiative.

For you, the status quo is not an option because you want…

Join the competition, surpass it or reach new markets.

Reduce dependence on certain employees.

Reduce the impact of the shortage of labor and/or expertise.

Really increase the value of your organization before you sell it

Optimize the use of funds to accomplish your mission. (NPO)

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The team

Carl Rioux

Advisor in digital transformation and efficiency

Carl Robillard, CPA, M.Sc.

President, Advisor in digital Transformation and Efficiency

Helping and giving back motivates us!

Our customers choose the causes, we give back.

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